Sunday, May 22, 2011

The End Does Justify the Means....... Sometimes

The Little Rock Nine suffered much humiliation and harassment while attending Little Rock High School.  Although they gained entrance, white students continued to try to get them to leave.  Events were so bad that each student had to have a guard from the army assinged to them. Although this helped, the guard was not able to be with them at all times.  "The other eight students remained at Central until the end of the school year. On May 27, 1958, Ernest Green became Central’s first black graduate. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. attended his graduation ceremony. Green later told reporters, “It’s been an interesting year. I’ve had a course in human relations first hand.”  ("Encyclopedia of Arkansaw History and Culture")       

  ("Ernest Green standing outside Central High School stadium on graduation night; May 29, 1958")
In this case, all of the suffering, harrassment, physical and emotional abuse was worth it.  The END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS!

The Little Rock Nine made their way in the world.  They became teachers, journalists, accounts for the department of defense, and managing partners for Lehman Brothers.  On September 26, 1997 each of them walked through the doors of Little Rock High School to celebrate the 40th anniversary of a historical event.  They were greeted by the Govenor of Arkansas, and the President of the United States.
                                       ("Remembering the Little Rock Nine")

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